Thursday 28 July 2011

Another day at the Office...

So I have been really bored lately, when I should have been studing, and have acquired The Office Seasons 1 to 7 and I have been watching them diligently every time I got bored. The Office is such an amazing show and it’s dry humour has been making me laugh so loud in my room that I think the people who live around me must think that I'm insane or something... 
I think the Office is like a fine wine; improves with age, because the first season feels slightly uncomfortable and offensive, but from then on it gain momentum and has been consistently entertaining. The Office is made up of numerous brilliant features and there are many different factors involved in making it so hilarious. I have broken down the show’s most important features into five parts from the least important to the most important.

Firstly let’s start with the extra characters. Those behind the scenes character, like Stanley, Kevin, Oscar, Meredith, Kelly, Phillus and especially Darryl have some truly amazing moments. I really can’t state how many times they will do something subtly funny! Their interactions with Michael and each other are soooo classic! (Like the time Michael kissed newly-outed Oscar.)

Secondly: Michael!  So many times I’ve had to look away as Michael makes a fool of himself or when he insults or offends someone in the office and his treatment of Toby gets quite disgusting and disturbing after a while, but Michael is the life-blood of the show! His over-exaggeration of emotion is the thing that gets me every time! And, shame, he does have his moments. He also does seem to care too much… Steve Carell is prefect for the job!
Thirdly Andy Bernard…The Nard-Dog! Sure Andy only entered the show in the around Season 3, but Ed Helms is a great addition to the cast!  Those who have seen The Hangover know that any time Ed Helms begins to sing then it is pure genius. He may have some hectic anger issues which often erupt rapidly out of him, but that fact that he really tries to be a good guy and fails is painfully delicious to watch.
Next I have to talk about Ryan! From the beginning for the show I have, like Michael, had a crush on Ryan! Truth be told in the beginning you feel sorry for Ryan, then you hate him and then you love him again and it’s been amazing to watch his process through the years, because by Season 7 he really has the geek chic, badass yuppie look down!

Of course the legendary Dwight K.Schrute gives the show some of its best moments. Dwight is a delusional, paranoid and intense beet farmer/competitive paper salesman who doesn’t seem to understand social interactions. Dwight has harassed and manipulated almost every character in the show and even though he’s disjointed loyalty to Michael is confusing and disturbing Dwight still manages to gives us many laughs.

Lastly I wouldn’t even think about mentioning The Office if I didn’t talk about Pam and Jim! <3 The flirty and longing looks between the two of them in the beginning on the show was driving me crazy. From the first moment they pulled a prank on Dwight together you knew that they were meant to be together. Pam and Jim had many factors playing against them, but despite all those things they still ended up together. Not forgetting the most romantic wedding ever and a really adorable baby! Jim, Pam and CeeCee are the ultimate white-picket fence family!

So all the Seventh season of the Office end so does Steve Carrels time with the Office. It’s a real shame to see him go and Will Farrel will never be able to live up to his legacy, but hopefully the rest will still keep us entertained…
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