Wednesday 29 February 2012

It’s the LEAP year!!

So for those of you that don’t know 2012 is a LEAP YEAR! And it’s also my 5th birthday! That’s right I'm a leap year baby or a leaper/leapling as we are commonly called. So I guess I’ll tell you more about what it entails. (Firstly to clear something up: Usually on, non-Leap-Year-years, I celebrate my birthday on the 28th of Feb.)

In order to clear up some confusion let me explain how the leap year works: We all know that the year is made up of 365 days or Earth's revolutions around the sun. But did you know it that it in fact takes the Earth approximately 365.242199 days – or 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds – to circle once around the Sun. Hence once every four years to balance this, we have a leap year and an extra day, February 29th.Nearly every 4 years is a Leap Year in our modern Gregorian Calendar.

The day was called “Leap Day”, because about hundred years ago English law refused to accept it as an official day and just “leaped” over it. That particular day had no legal status in British law, so things such as court, contracts, etc, were not legally recognized of binding on that day. The “leaping” name also explains why frogs have always been associated with Leap Year’s Day.

According to an old Irish tradition on Leap Year’s day women were allowed certain “privileges” which “allowed” them to propose marriage to a man! If he refused, he was required to pay a fine in the form of either a silk dress, twelve gloves or a kiss.

So despite the fact that it is the middle of the week I plan to make sure that this birthday is special. After being woken up by some of my friends in res I managed to stay in bed the whole morning watching “Leap Year”. I know it’s cheesy, but I’m feeling in a romantic mood! Might just ask someone out today as well!

Fun Facts:
People born on February 29 are all invited to join The Honor society of Leap Year Day Babies.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, there are world record holders both of a family producing three consecutive generations born on February 29 and of the number of children born on February 29 in the same family.

According to astrologers, those born under the sign of Pisces on February 29 have unusual talents and personalities reflecting their special status.
“Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November;
All the rest have thirty-one
Save February, she alone
Hath eight days and a score
Til leap year gives her one day more.”

Sunday 19 February 2012

I have sailed a 1000 ships to you

Seems to me we all need something positive to cheer us up, so talking again about things which make me happy I think I have to mention Rachel Platten’s song “1000 ships”, which can put a smile on anyone’s face. So to get to her I first have to take a bit of a side track. One day while checking out Youtube I came across the featured vlogger of the day who happened to be Jason Munday, a Youtube musician who also has a wizard rock band, called Ministry of Magic. He claims to be the nerdest musician on Youtube, but that it why I love his music so much! I am a dork and I’m embracing it!

Anyway, back on track, recently Jason Munday starred in a fan-made music video made by Strawburry17 for Rachel Platten’s song “1000 ships”.

I had heard about the song once before when Andrew Sims and BenSchoen mentioned it on their podcast “HYPE”, but at the time I didn’t think much about it, but then it keep come up! Now I am hooked to Platten’s music! I guess it’s because she writes music that I can relate to as a young women trying to figure out her life and the way she feels about things. Her songs seem too perfectly reflect the point at which I am at the moment. Life is joyous, yet complicated…

Her album, Be Here, was released from Rock Ridge Music in 2011. According to Platten’s website her “uplifting, instantly catchy anthems celebrate the love and light in the world with a passionate intensity that has been missing on the radio dial for far too long.”

“They’re positive and poppy, without ever sacrificing the hard truths out there that we all have to live through.”

Rachel Platten - "1,000 Ships" Lyrics
I'd go beyond our fighting borders if you needed that from me
I'd march with decorated soldiers to get your pretty eyes to see
Well I would bring your morning coffee then I'd wrap you up in me
I'd kiss your belly and your shoulders, cover blankets on our feet

So slow down, there's some kind of blessing here
But you have missed your cue

So keep your eyes set on the horizon
On the line where blue meets blue
And I would let that silver lining,
Well I know it'll find you soon

Cause I have sailed a 1000 ships to you,
But my messages don't seem to make it through

Well money and fame they are a losing game
And I know those pretty actresses are calling your name,
But I'll be here waiting,
I'll always be the same
If you'd let me in again...

So keep your eyes set on the horizon
On the line where blue meets blue
And I would let that silver lining,
Well I know it'll find you soon

Keep your eyes set on the horizon
On the line where blue meets blue
And I would let that silver lining in,
Well I know it'll find you soon

Cause I have sailed a 1000 ships to you,
But my messages don't seem to make it through

Go check out my Soundcheck review that I did on Rachel Platten for a Journ assignment:

Also go check out her website for more information:

The Hiatus is over!!

Sorry for the lack of blog posts in the last few months. My Media Studies lecturer would have had a fit if he knew I was being such an irregular blogger. To be fair I was stuck at home with the worst internet connection known to man and then went on holiday to Clanwillaim, where I spent my days laying on the beach and where the concept of the internet was the furthest thing from my mind.

Fortunately now that I am back in the Purple nation and have access to a magical thing called ResNet I will now be able to post more regularly. Don’t let my absence fool you either I have a bunch of stored posts saved up for you guys to enjoy.