Friday 4 December 2015

Purpose of Blog? Am I a blogger?

Often I think back to this blog and I cringe.

For a long time I considered whether this was my "serious" blog and the rest of the social media accounts were merely for fun. The truth is maybe I'm not a good writer. Maybe I've fooled myself into thinking I was. For a long time this blog was merely an escape. Something to define me as a "writer". As if I knew what that meant.

One of my Writing lecturers once told me that the tone I use in my writing often sounds forced. I never understood that until I re-read some of my posts.  I think that I was trying to sound like my idea of a writer sounded like. I feel myself falling into that trap even now. Very few of my previous posts felt very real or truthful (whatever that means). 2015 has taught a lot about the complexity of human beings, culture, emotion and about being sensitive to these complexities. It has taught me to think critical about the media we consumed, the cultures we appropriate and the people we interact with. I will be deleting a number of problematic posts because I'm not the same person I was when I wrote them.

If you have been following this blog thank you. I will and can do better.