Saturday 12 January 2013

Second year at Rhodes: What I learnt in 2012

(PS. I know that it's already 2013, but when one is on holiday then internet access is not readily available.)

I learnt a lot last year so I figured that I’d make you lists of the things I learnt in my second year at Rhodes: 

1.     That I am blessed to have so many amazing people in my life.
2.     That making new friend is easy if you try.
3.     You know that you are officially someone’s friend when you drive them home in a stranger’s (now friend’s) car.
4.     If he’s overall is too clean he is too young for you.
5.     That being said: You will be called a cougar by your Journ friends.
6.     That I like Journalism a little, but I know that I don’t want be a Journalist.
7.     I learnt to love writing.
8.     I learnt to love T.S Elliot. John Keats
9.     I learnt that D.H Lawrence is my Boy.
10.  I learnt to love spoken word poetry.
11.  Foam parties aren’t always that fun.
12.  I learnt that keeping your heart on your sleeve is not the best idea.
13.  Nor is it always a bad idea.
14.  That even by third year, guys can still be super immature
15.  That one should not be fooled by what they can see.
16.  That someone can still be a law student with about a hundred hours to their name.
17.  That BoatRaces and Tri-var are the greatest jams of the year.
18.  That next year I should go to Fish and Fest.
19.  That losing your sister, who is visiting, in G-town might not have been a good idea.
20.  Um…let’s just say that post-drinks isn’t always that great.
21.  I learnt to appreciate the privacy of my room, the friends who live around me, the joys of communicating with my family and friends back home.
22.  I learnt that going Lion King on your phone is the best way to get signal.
23.  I learnt lot about responsibility and conflict.
24. I learnt to live by example rather than telling others how to live.
25.  I learnt that working with a res just because you think entertainment rep of that res is cute is not a clever move.
26.  I learnt that I am happy that some people are graduating and that I will never see them again.
27.   I learnt that I am sad that some people are graduating and that I will never see them again.
28.  I learnt that someone quoting Shakespeare to you in a club isn’t as romantic as it seems.
29.  That starships were meant to fly and that YOU were a wild one.
30.  That it’s time to leave Friars when there is a certain amount of couples hooking up and a certain amount of girls crying.
31.  That you can tell the time by the amount of BP pies left.
32.  That some guys res’ are just stupid!!!
33.  That there will always be that one guys res that you have too many friends in. A.K.A Goldfields!  
34.  That you will never truly live down what you did in first year, but that, that doesn’t have to dominate the rest of your life.
35.  That Youtube is amazing programme and that one day I will go to Vid-Con (or Summer in the City, or any other Youtube gathering.)
36.  That someone who can do a proper cover of “Payphone” (by Maroon 5) is regarded as a good musician in my books.
37.  That Paradise Fears is a great band.
38.  That seeing your favourite band live is amazing, but having them sit down with you to chill is unbelievable.
39.  That birds are still scary.
40.  That I don’t have time in my life for people who don’t respect me.
41.  That in G-town you can go out dressed any way you want.
42.  That being proud of who you are has a little to do with being proud of where are you are from.
43.  I learnt that strength is more than mere muscle.
44.  I learnt that despite the hate still in this world that there are people will to stand up for what they believe in.
45.  That Tarryn’s list of things that she learnt this year is much better than mine!

46.  This year I let the facade of first year fall away and I let my idealistic side go so that I could see what it’s like to truly be a student. To be someone truly to shape themselves and grow into someone they actually want to be.

Me and my girls, Roxy and Kate

Me and my friend Murray

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