Thursday 28 February 2013

Life just got real

There is an old bit of writing advice, of unknown origins, which states that you must "write what you know." I believed in that bit of advice and I wrote about the things I saw around me, but I’ve recently had to reconsider my writing point-of-view to include topics I never before consider interesting. What has caused this shift, you may ask? Well I think it has something to do with the fact that my Writing & Editing class might be reading this post at this very moment. That’s twenty-two individuals taking time out of their day to read what I have written. Not to mention my lecturer! So while I supress the urge to suck up to said lecturer by saying something supposedly profound I will also contemplate what this means for my blogging future.

 I’ve always made it clear that this blog was not going to be very politically-based nor would it deal with very serious topics, but since the start of this course I’ve begun to realize that maybe I had to consider moving this blog in a different direction. I’m here at Rhodes to learn, so I might as well dust off the cobwebs of my mind and get a fresh perspective. (How was that for cliqued writing, Journ 3s?) All jokes aside, expect tighter and brighter posts from me. Or a wider variety of topics, until I can narrow done the focus of my blog. Hopefully I might acutally have something to write about.  But as our W&E once said, “The Muse is a powerful thing. She could be anywhere. Even at the Rat.”

[No need to worry, I will still be doing fun reviews and wacky comments on the things in my life, so no need to run and find another blog to read. I’m still sticking to my roots. I also plan to blog more often if I can. I have dozens of posts stored up just waiting to be posted.]

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