Thursday 4 August 2011

It’s Friday! Friday! Gotta get down on…

If you have been living under a rock for the last couple of months it’s time for you to brush off the moss and reconnect with the world. Now unless you are one of those people you have most likely heard of Rebecca Black and her song about Friday. Friday has often been labelled the worst song ever written, which, at first, might sound a bit harsh, but once you hear the song then you’ll understand. Understandably it was written by a 13-year-old whose voice has been viciously auto-tuned, but seriously wasn’t there an adult there to jump in and save this poor girl who clearly thought that she would be the next Justin Bieber…
The video and songs start off when Rebecca wakes up in the morning and the proceeds to describe the process of getting up in the morning, but doesn’t seem to get to it in the video. Then she walks to the bus stop urgently, but when she sees her friends cruising she simple ignores the fact that she rushed to the bus stop and then decides to join them. Firstly I would drive around with a group of kids who don’t look old enough to drive and secondly during this whole scene Rebecca seems to have this big crisis about where she has to sit when there is only one seat actually available. There are kids in Africa who don’t have an education and Rebecca’s biggest worry, while missing school is that she doesn’t know where to sit.
Patrice Wilson, a co-producer at ARK Music Factory, also randomly shows up and begins to rap and this rap really baffled me. Firstly why would a grown man be following a school bus?! AM I the only one seeing the potentially paedophile-like nature of this?? Not only that is disturbing, but the lyrics to his rap are so bad that I can’t believe that an adult actually wrote it. 
The whole video hints to the fact that Rebecca’s parents are most-likely stinking rich and bored and thus pushed her into doing this video…
BUT there is another side to the story, even though it is most-likely the worst song ever written* so many LOVE it due to the comic aspect of it! Seriously it is hilarious to watch and the brilliant spoofs and cult references that have emerged, because of it have been truly amazing. Katy Perry’s little homage to Rebecca Black in her music video for “Last Friday Night” is proof of that…
Benedict Townsend from the Youtube comedy duo “CupofTeam” did the funniest analysis of the Friday video and his video actually inspired me write this blog. Please go check it out:
(*This blog post was written before I even heard about Jenna Rose and her terrible song “”My Jeans” and I must admit that any Jenna Rose song is ten times worse than “Friday” , but not as entertaining or worth writing about.)

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