Friday 19 August 2011


Here at Rhodes University the student are quite infamously known for being quite heavy partier and Tri-var , unfortunately, seems to prove that. Despite the fact that there are actually four universities involved instead of three and despite the fact that the sport isn’t even being played in Grahamestown this year Tri-var was one of the best weekends of my time here.
Rhodents, as we are commonly called, wear purple painted overalls as our official uniforms so the whole of last week the purple paint came out and the painting began! The Beit girls gathered together in our common room and we decorated our overalls together.
Friday night the party began and despite having to wait in the queue at Friars for about 20 minutes it was so worth it. (Those of you whose who have ever been in Friars will know that this statement is true.)  Friars may look like a lone wooden cabin on the outside, but on the inside it is pumping! And Friday night they decided to play 80s’ Classic rock for most of the night. It was amazing!! And I got to go with some of my new Beit House friends and with Jessica, one of my best friends from back home which was soooo special. I thought that rocking out to “Eye of the Tiger” was awesome, but it truly blew my mind when Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” came on!! I think that has to be the greatest song ever written.
In the words of one of my dearest friend Lisa Holtzhause: “Somewhere out there right now there is a group of drunken girls singing along to Journey’s ‘Don’t stop believing.’ ”
When you get so many students together you are bounded to hear some crazy stories, but I won’t delve too deeply in all our scandals. What happens in G-Town stays in G-town!
So as the dust cleared that Sunday morning and the fast food places were buzzing with hungry students who had crawled out of bed for some nourishment, it dawned on some of us that we haven’t done any work yet and as a way to punish us for all the fun we had during Tr-Var the university has doubled the amount of work for this week!!
But to address Rhodes’s bad reputation for being a university for drunks and stoners; all I have to say about that is that even though we do enjoy a good MARE* now and again we are also known for being one of the top notch universities in the country. If you don’t work+ party too hard= they kick you out, if they kick you out= Then you can’t PARTY! Rhodes envy is a scary thing!  Off to prepare for another night out!
(* The word MARE refers to a good night out.)

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