Sunday 27 October 2013

I hate labels: “Fag Hag”

Since the days of ‘Will and Grace” women who have many close gay male friend have been labelled as ‘fag hags’. Now by definition I would be considered to be a fag hag. Personally I hate this label! My mother, who has many gay friends and whose best friend is a gay man who she meets for drinks like every Saturday, hates this label too and she was ranting about it the other day. Her breakdown of why is hates it was just not to great not to share:

Firstly word ‘fag’ is very offensive and I hate it being used to describe my best friends. The word ‘fag’ is derogatory and no one should every use it to describe another person. Secondly the word ‘hag’ is hardly flattering and conjures up images of old witches standing around a cauldron cursed to be single for the rest of their lives.  

Personally I register that my gay friends are gay, but at the same time it doesn’t really affect my friendship with them. I can’t understand why society feels the need to label everything in such heteronormative terms. I have gay friends and we discuss relationships in the same way in which we would discuss my straight friend’s relationships. I understand that there is a lot of subtext going on when it comes to gay relationships and many things that my friends have to go through that I would never be able to fully understand or relate to, but whether straight or gay or whatever I’ll be there for them; through every happy moment and every heartbreak.

Much love. <3

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