Monday 28 October 2013

“What kind of heart doesn’t look back?

(A post in response to the fact that in reality romance is nothing like the romantic moments described in the previous post.)

So despite the fact that I willingly started writing this blog I must confess that am still a little uncomfortable about revealing parts of my personal life. But they always say that you should write what you know, so I figured that qualifies me to write about heart-break. I’ve written a blog post about love before and a year later it’s still not any clearer to me. 

Let’s just say that at a very insecure time in my life I started crushing on (do people still say crushing on?) a certain guy a year older than me while I was in high school. He was sweet; kind; funny; good-looking; athletic; slightly dorky and a gentlemen. You’ll have to forgive me for falling for him despite these small unimportant, cheesy details, but I was crushing on him (I’m going with it) so at the time I didn’t notice his lack of focus or  ambition nor his own insecurities and pitfalls. I had unfortunately mistaken pure politeness on his part for romantic interest and thus my poor little heart was unprepared for the news that he had started dating a girl a year younger than me.  
Andy Bardnard, Ed Helm’s character in “The Office” once confessed that he knew a few things about love.  “Horrible, terrible, awful, awful things.”

 I guess the point of my little story is that even though it wasn’t a serious break-up or anything,  I invested something in it and it made me feel self-conscious afterwards. In society we put of much pressure to find a partner or to attract members of the opposite sex (or same sex if so inclined) that we often forget about just enjoying our lives. Being a Rhodes has taught me that I would rather have a really good friend than a meaningless hook-up/relationship.  I have faith that I will meet the person I'm meant to end up with.

So I leave you with a part of a speech I recently heard in which a girl thanked everyone who helped her along her academic career: 

“I’d also like to thank my boyfriend for always being by my side. Even though it’s the side I couldn’t see, I know you’re out there and I know you’re proud of me.”

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