Sunday 19 January 2014

I’m on a Boat: Day 4 (Last day!)

Anine, Mannie and me
On the last morning of our trip most of our group did not make it up for breakfast due to the previous night’s festivities. Being the insomniac that I am I got dressed and headed down to the Manhattan Bar, one of my favourites. Having so far only spent my money on cocktails I decided to spoil myself with a cappuccino from the bar and opened up my copy of Cold Mountain. This quiet reading time of mine turned out to not be as quiet as expected. Due to the rain that morning the Dream Team has moved the aerobics to the Manhattan bar. After about an hour the Dream Team began milling around. The handsome Dream Teamer, Ryan, eventually stopped to talk to me about what I was reading and how my trip was going. I swear he convinced me to work a cruise ship right then and there. He also convinced me to take part in the early morning game; which involved throwing rings over bottles- naturally I failed completely. Then, as per usual a round of salsa dancing. Once we had gotten the troops awake Nicole and I waited in the Manhatten Bar for the rest to get dressed. You haven’t lived until you’ve sat through a round of Bingo hung-over.

View of the deck
We were extremely lucky to have absolutely lovely weather on the last day of our trip. Despite the rain earlier that morning the whole afternoon was warm and sunny- and completely windless!! We found a spot upstairs overlooking the many pool, which gave us girls an optimal view of the Dream Team and assorted staff. ;) Anine. Nicole and I decided to go down to the Theatre for Battle Of the Sexes, which was hosted by cruise director Stephan and Bob! J The female team won and I even got to answer a question! Then we were back to the pool for a swim, a dance and cocktail in the sun with other new cruise friends.

Christinne and Anna
Boys on deck
For the first time during the whole trip our whole group made it down for supper on time. We spent the whole meal laughing a reflecting on all the fun times we had. That meal was honestly one of the most memorable of the whole trip.

Last supper together
That night, from our friends on the Dream Team, we found out that they were doing a special performance in the Theatre. Unfortunately we got there late and ended up in the worse seats. The ship was also pretty rocky that night and I couldn’t believe the performers were dancing on a floor that was moving.  Then we hit the Pusha Club for one last night of celebrations; fully aware that our time on the Sinofonia was quickly running out. We spent the night dancing, talking to the Dream Team and ended up staying awake until the early hours of the morning. We even got to see our entrance into the Durban harbour.

At 5am that morning we packed up, had breakfast, waited for our floor to called and were escorted off the ship to meet our lifts home. We drove home tired, but satisfied by our wonderful cruise adventure. Memories and friendship. 

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