Friday 24 January 2014

Designated sober person:

A common assumption about students is that they drink a lot. Unfortunately, due to Rhodes’ small size we have a bit of a bad reputation when it comes to drinking. Personally I find that the drinking culture here is exactly the same as it is at home. The difference is that here the drinking and maring* is condensed and thus more noticeable. With about seven clubs and bars within walking distance of one another and about 7000 students it would only make sense that the drinking culture is exaggerated.

Many times throughout my two and a half years at Rhodes I have had to serve as the designated sober person or mother-hen to my liquored friends. In most cases I don’t mind doing it. Some friends are easy to help and often we can have a good laugh about it afterwards. Gently resting a drunk friend’s head on your shoulder and walking back to res is easy. Wrestling a sloshed, aggressive friend into a car, on the other hand, is not fun.

As a Head Student, I’ve had to help my fair share of first years home, many who have only recently had their first taste of alcohol. Most are embarrassed and tentatively let the House Comm tuck them into bed. Some make it very hard for us and on two occasions we even had to carry a girl to her bed on third floor.

I’m not going tell people whether it’s good or bad to get drunk; I’d be a hypocrite if I did (*cough cough BoatRaces 2013*) But I’ve realised that if you going to get drunk at least be safe. Have friends around you. Call a lift home. Don’t drive. Don’t go home with someone you don’t know. Don’t start a fight. Easier said than done, yet if you can’t do these things then maybe you shouldn’t drink.

*Maring, or “to mare” refers to a night out partying (usually involving dancing and drinking.) 

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