Monday 20 January 2014

Third year at Rhodes: What I learnt:

The year before I thought that I had learnt a lot about life and myself, but looking back I realize now how wildly unprepared I was for the experiences of 2013. It was a crazy year, filled with a lot of joy and sorrow.

In 2013 I learnt that:

1.     People come into your life for a reason.
2.     God knows what He is doing.
3.     Things work out like they are supposed to.
4.     Accepting the things you can’t change will make your life a lot easier.
5.     Valentine’s Day is just a day. 
6.     Roadtrips are special, because of the people you're with.
7.     Some boys can be super inappropriate. 
8.     Straight, but not narrow.  (Everyone needs to be an ally to those in need.)
9.     Good things come to those who work hard.
10.  Always check your car before you get out.
11.  Don’t drink shots with strange names.
12.  That I am “as smooth as a bumpy road in Grahamstown.”
13.   Being sick shows you who truly cares about you.
14.  Hot beverages are amazing.
15.  Life is precious (and in a constant balance.) RIP *R*
16.  Drinking games at the rugby lead to life altering decisions.
17.  Theatre is the life.
18.  Driving is both wonderful and terrible.
19.  Police stations suck.
20.  I hope to never end up in an old age home.
21.  It’s scary how much I relate to country music.
22.  “Diamonds on the chain”
23.  Drinking isn’t always glamorous.
24.  Happiness is from within.

25.  You will get a sign from God if you ask for one

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