Sunday 12 June 2011

CSI and it's spin-offs

Yes, I'm still on the CSI thing...
CSI: Miami is my least favourite in the CSI trilogy, but this is mainly, because of its largely brighter tone and it’s too crazy, unrealistic plots. The other two are much darker, but due to Miami more festive atmosphere the show needed a head detective who could be serious and yet be mockingly ridiculous at the same time. Cue Horatio Cane. Even people who haven’t seen CSI: Miami know about Horatio’s infamous sun-glasses trick. These days I don’t see anyone remove their sun-glasses without impersonating Horatio with an added cheesy one-liner. CSI: Miami has many hot characters like Eric and newbie Jesse, but my heart belongs to Ryan Wolfe! Ryan may have his faults, but I love his tenacious nature, OCD tendencies, intensity and cute humour. From the first moment his handsome face stepped in the crime scene I was hooked and I freaked out like the rest of the fans when he was shot with a nail gun and then later when he was fired! So there I was cheering on his reinstatement and hoping desperately at they would finally get him a love interest…

CSI: New York is infamously known as the most gruesome of the three, but, hey, if you are playing with stereotype, New York is pretty dangerous place. And a dangerous place needs a badass head detective and that’s where Mac Taylor comes in. Mac is a lot darker and more intense than Horatio, but he knows how to come down hard on crime, with his sharp eye and serious attitude. CSI: New York may be dark, but it also played host to one of the greatest love stories in CSI history. Early on sparks flew between Danny and Lindsay and we tracked their love story between all the blood and gory.  Now to my lab geek love! I already had a crush on A.J Buckley when starred in Supernatural, but his role as Adam Ross is so cute and nerdy and awesome! You would think that my crush would be a lab geek, but in CSI: New York the Don Flack the one that caught my eye! A Tough gentleman with a kickass suit and soft heart! A true modern day knight and those eyes!
We all know that the original is the always the best and CSI: Las Vegas is proof of that. This team started the whole thing thus naturally my loyalty will lie with them. The legendary Gil Grissom is the head detective of this team. His interests in bugs might be a bit strange and his love for a fellow CSI might be really bizarre, but Grissom is the best in his field. William Peterson is a stunning actor and it’s a shame he retired around the 10th season, but his replacement Ray Langford is still cool, I guess. Anyway, Catherine Willows is my hero! I wanna be as hard-core and kick-ass as her one day! Now I get to my ultimate geek obsession…Greg Sanders! Greg would play loud rock music in the lab, joke around with his co-workers, wear strange costumes around the lab and constantly act like he is the biggest ladies’ man around. I cried like baby when he was beaten up in Season 7! But he risked his life to save someone else and that says a lot about him!  Later on in the series, when he gets promoted, he becomes more serious, but still retains that Greg-like charm. What a cutie... 
“One man’s garbage is another man’s evidence pile.”

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