Tuesday 14 June 2011

Watchdog Entertainment

While researching CSI on the internet (and by researching I mean downloading pictures of Eric Szmanda a.k.a. Greg Sanders) I made a shocking discovery! I came across the Parents Television Council! Shudder* “What fresh hell is this?”
Apparently a group of parents were really bored one day and instead of restricting what their own children were watching they decided to actively campaign against EVERYTHING in today’s modern entertainment world.
Firstly I get what they intended to do, but you that the road to hell is paved with good intentions and this kind of this seems kind of sick. The world is a rough place and life is hard- there is no denying that and at some point all children will know that. My parents knew that I was too young to watch certain programs and when they thought I was old enough I was allowed to watch what I wanted to. I promise you it hasn’t negatively affected me.  I have the ability to know that when I watch something on TV that, that show that I am watching is fake. I know that it is fake blood and that the injured or murdered actor or actress will simply get up and go to lunch after that shot. I know that it’s all fake and an act and thus it doesn’t affect me.
People have fought and died so that our media would not censored and these PTC people are actually campaign to hide certain information from their children. I get that you don’t want your child exposed to violence and indecency, but where do you draw the line? What is going to happen to the child when by the time they are 18 they have been so coddled that they won’t be able to function in the outside world?
I’m not promoting that children be exposed to violence or explicit sex, but it individual parents responsibilities to turn off the TV or change the channel to ensure that what their children are watching is appropriate for them. Why ruin it for the rest of us? I know that I would never let my 7-year-old cousin watch Supernatural with us so I don’t watch it when she is around and thus I sit though hours of Barney at ease. Simple as that…
The PTC’s website photo looks like they want you to join some kind of cult with them or something. They even cal themselves the welcome CLAN! I am truly disturbed by this weird control they have over everyone. This is the real world and we live in an age where we are lucky to be exposed to these things ONLY via the entertainment world. In the past children would have seen a lot worse…
I think I’ll go watch some CSI-which was, by the way, voted the most indecent show on TV by the PTC- and then I’ll sleep peacefully knowing that I have the power to choose what I am exposed to and what I can handle in my life. Screw you PTC…

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