Sunday 5 June 2011

Eagle Eye

So recently in my Media Studies class we talked about surveillance and that, due to today’s modern media and technological improvments, we can now be monitored and tracked also everyday of our lives. This made me think about that movie Eagle Eye in which hottie Shia LaBeouf is being stalked by a mysterious woman who can view his every movement and that made me think about the latest Die Hard movie in which a group super hackers manage to take over a whole city by digitally controlling all forms of public services such as water, electricity, traffic lights, etc. They made use of technology to basically destroy the whole infrastructure of a city. See I was paying attention to more than just Justin Long in that movie…
Firstly isn’t it amazing how powerful an influence technology has on our lives and I know I’ve mentioned this before, but this is such a scary thought! We have become disturbingly dependent of technology that without it we might not be able to survive, but at what cost?
Think about this…
When you wake up in the morning and walk out of your home there is a large chance that you will be picked up on a surveillance camera at least once. Every day of your life you will be monitored somehow by some kind of surveillance technology. Just think about how many people will be could be watching at any given moment? Imagine a fat, security guard eating a donut in his security box perving over you at his own leisure…
Now think about all those photos you have taken of your friends and someone you don’t know has snuck into the background of the photo accidentally. What if you were that person? How many photos of you are floating around right now? Let me tell you the elusive photobomb, if pulled off correctly, can be a really amazing thing, but the thought that anyone might have access to a photo of you creeps me out. More on Photobombs later...
So while you are reading this blog via the internet, someone could be tracking your internet usage and will be able to know what you are viewing or what you are doing at this very moment.
So with that thought I hope that you sleep soundly tonight…

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