Tuesday 21 May 2013

No other school so dear

It is deeply ironic that a few days after I blogged about my high school it was rocked by a scandal (as far as high school scandals go) after one of its current students was arrested for assault and the supposed ‘assault’ video found its way onto the internet.

The school dedicated a bench to a girl that passed away from cancer recently and 'victim' felt she didn't deserve the bench, so she told the girl’s sister this. Naturally the sister reacted badly. I don’t condone violence, but if someone had something like that about a family member of mine who died of cancer I may have punched her harder. Such a violent reaction is sometimes a very a instinctual reaction to a threat. This kind of verbal abuse feels calculated.  It's disgraceful that someone has to turn to violence (or worse, in my opinion, this gross level of verbal provoking from the girl supposedly 'assaulted'.)

I’ve watched the video on the news and it really was not bad as everyone is making it out to be.  As disgraceful as it is in my 5 years at Eunice I saw one fight that was possibly worse than this one, but no one filmed it and the students were punished appropriately. Also during that fight my classmates tried to stop it rather than laugh and film it.

Our country is dealing with terrible acts of violence on a mass scale and this should not even be compared to those crimes. How can we call this "assault" when women are beaten to death in our country? It is scary that this is deemed news worthy when our country has more serious issues that need attention.

I'm still a proud Eunice girl.  Eunice is an amazing school and it has taught many young women about how to behave. It is incredibly sad that this affects the schools image. Once a Eunice girl, ALWAYS a Eunice girl! No other school so dear.

This is a video reflecting Eunice’s true qualities:

1 comment:

  1. Elri, I'm also not one for violence, but as a person who knows what it's like to lose a sibling after an arduous battle with cancer, I would honestly have beaten the crap out of that b*tch to teach her some respect. By saying what she said, she basically discounted ALL of the difficult battles that this girl's sister went through during her illness as well as what this girl and her family had to endure with regard to having a seriously ill family member and the eventual passing of that family member. The so-called 'victim' sounds like a disgusting, hateful individual.
