Monday 4 November 2013

Love reviews

According to statistics if you are 16 or older then you have an 84% chances of already having have met the person that you are going to marry. At first I was like: “Wow, ok, cool”, but then I analysed it more closely. It’s the “or older” part that throws me off. 16 or 22. 16 or 45. 16 or 95. So from 16 until you die you have an 84% chance of having already met the person you are going to marry? Isn’t that how it works anyway?!!

“It baffles me how an educated, mature young women, currently studying a degree which relies on public speaking and performance, cannot speak in front of someone she finds attractive.”

Looking back I wrote this line during the holiday and at the time it truly reflected what I was feeling. Reading it now all I can think about is how disillusioned I’ve been. I think that the I’m so stuck on the idea of love, because I’ve grown up with the prefect examples.

My parents love each other so much and they fell in love when they were about the age I am now. My aunt and uncle found each in the strangest of situations. My other aunt and uncle fell in love when they were very young and are still together. One of my aunt finally found love when she least expected it. My grandparents loved each other until the day they both died. My grandmother died two years after my grandfather did and loved him like she had for most of her life. My gran’s best friend still mourns her husband who she had lost almost ten years ago… I live with this love. I see it and I love my family even more for it. That is why I don’t give up the idea of love. That is why I refuse to be negative about love. I know that it’s not easy, or prefect, or even simply, but it is possible and it is real. 

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