Friday 1 November 2013

Get Your Heart On!

I know it’s lame, but I am a Simple Plan fan. Yes, I know there are better bands out there and I know that their music is generic and boy-bandish, but I’m old enough to know now that there is no such thing as a bad music taste; just different music tastes. If a certain kind of music makes you happy LISTEN it! Don’t let people dictate want you listen to.

That being, said don’t limit yourself to only one certain genre of music. You might be surprised by what kind of music you enjoy. 

Back to talking about Simple Plan. I enjoy them, because it reminds me of younger days when punk music was on the rise and we would jump on my bed listening to their latest song playing on the radio. Back when “I’m just a Kid” became almost every teenager’s ringtone and personal anthem and when all the girls still perved over Pierre Bouvier. We all wished we could sing “Shut up” to the world and sometimes wished we could sing “Perfect” to our parents. Back then it all seemed so easy.

I’m the first to admit that I know that their third album sucked. The songs were too commercialized, with melodies sounds almost exactly the same. They had moved away from what they were and tried to create a more hard-core image, but it completely failed. With the exception of “When I’m gone” their songs were extremely unremarkable and forgettable. For a while there I lost faith in Simple Plan…

Then “Get Your Heart On!” came out. After all this time thinking that Simple Plan had simply faded into the lost world of Has-been-dom I was pleasantly surprised to discover that their new album was just as enjoyable as “No Pads No Helmets…Just Balls” and “Still not getting any.”

Suddenly the joyful and cheesy-ness they were known for was back, with songs like “You suck at Love”, “Summer Paradise” and “Jet Lag.”

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