Friday 6 May 2011

Did Marilyn Monroe have the right idea?

After reading other blogs written by classmates of mine from high school and I realized that I really don’t plan to write in-depth discussions about current affairs, but on the other hand I’m really not going to the one spewing off supposedly intelligent content, because I honestly hate pretentious crap like that.  
So, anyway, in a previous blog I said that from my experience guys aren’t interested in girls who talk about Politics and I found that quite strange since as South Africans we love debating about politics and the current political state of our country. That got me thinking about that weird moment when you see girls suddenly pretend to dumb around guys. A bright young woman somehow turns into a giggling, hair twirling, drink swirling bimbo in a blink of an eye. Now I’m not saying all girls do this, but even I’ve felt that strange urge to dumb down what I’m saying while talking to a guy. Most intelligent girls know how to suppress this urge, but so many still end up forgetting that they have a mind of their own.
The debate about whether men are intimidated by clever women is a debate that has been going around for ages. Many men confess that they like clever, yet so many still end up going for the Marilyn Monroe look-alikes. But the thing is Marilyn Monroe wasn’t dumb or dim-witted; she was actually quite smart and witty woman, who came off as someone who was completely confident with herself.
In the era in which women now have rights and opportunities to be educated- why do we have to hide the fact that we can think for ourselves? I’m not going to compromise my intelligence just to get a guy. There are enough men out there who are comfortable enough with themselves that they aren’t intimated by a strong, smart, independent woman. This may be a fantasy, but it’s nice to have hope…for now my self-worth isn’t dependent on finding a man.
Marilyn Monroe says it the best:
"Being a sex symbol becomes a thing. I just hate to be a thing."

1 comment:

  1. Elri,
    Amazing how women from every generation wrestle with this issue and very few men do...
    Oh my nerves!
