Friday 13 May 2011

Doing your part...

 Ian Somerhalder and I are at this very moment in the same country! Yes, a few hundred miles from where I am now Ian Somerhalder is hanging out. (Cue: Fan girl *SQEE*) Now, I use the term “hanging out” lightly’ because he is actually in South Africa to work with is charity, The Ian Somerhalder Foundation (don’t go there…). This foundation aims to improve the way in which human beings  (a) use our earth’s natural resources; (b) create energy and (c) treat animals. The foundation also aims to aims to empower, educate & collaborate with people & projects to positively impact the planet and its creatures.
[Ian started this foundation on his 32th birthday, claiming that he would rather have people joining the foundation than getting him gifts. See he is much more than a pretty face…and a hot body ;) ]

This foundation should particular call to South Africans who are against the oil fracking in the Karoo. For those of you that don’t know Shell, the petrol company, plans to excavate oil form the Karoo which might do great damage to the nature resource of the Karoo or contaminant the water sources in the area. So say “No Fracking Way!” to fracking in the Karoo.
A another organisation I want to talk about is, which is an organisation which is helping to build wells in poor areas and thus supply water to people in the town of Savann Tabak in Haiti who desperately need water. This project is partly run by Hank Green, so you know it’s legit. (I also kind of get this cause, because today they turned off our water.)
Last week was Gay Pride week so I found this organisation which looked worthwhile too. This protest was started against the bill Uganda had plan to put forward which allowed gay men to be killed and lesbians to be corrective raped. More than half a million people from across the globe stood together to protest against this bill! Join and also stand up so that this bill is NOT passed!
And since it’s coming to the end of Animal Rights Week I think that the Ian Somerhalder foundation and the Save the Wolf campaign also particularly apply. Go check out the websites and see if you would like to get involved. I’m not exactly sure yet how to get involved, but I’ll send in an e-mail and keep you posted. Save the Wolf campaign was started by Ian’s Vampire Diaries cast-mate Michael Trevino and it aims to donate money for The Wolf Mountation wolf sanctuary (I wonder why he picked wolves… Teehee)
There are many causes out there and even if you can’t get involved directly at least be aware of all the causes you can help with or spread awareness about them! Thank you!
(PS I’m totally doing the anti-fur march half naked next year...)
(PSS If anyone ruins the season finale of Vampire Diaries for me I will lose it! I wish I could use the excuse that one of the cast members is in South Africa to avoid doing work and simply just watch The Vampires Diaries the whole day.)

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