Sunday 29 May 2011

Only Thing We Have to Fear?

Those who know me well that I am terribly, terribly afraid of birds. Don’t even try to tell me that they are cute or fluffy or whatever I think they are gross!  I can’t stand a birds coming near me and have numerous times screamed bloody-murder when they were to fly too close to me.  

 Most human beings have some kind of irrational fear or phobia and these phobias are unfortunately quite exposed in public and people often take advantage of this fact. A person who hates or fears walking in front of a group of people will also be forced by their friends to walk in front. Someone who hates their necks being touch will be poked and rubbed all the time. Friends will jump out from behind dark doorways and fake spiders or lizards will be thrown at those who are mortally scared of them. Someone even threw a dead bird at me once…Shudder…
This fear has helped me understand other people’s irrational fears and thus I now realize that I have to be understanding about these people’s phobias. It’s all about perception sure you may hate having your phobia aggravated, but it sure as hell is funny to see other people freak out! At least we are not alone with that one. Everyone has fears which are irrational and it should comfort you that you are not alone… Think about that the next time you are the one standing behind that dark doorway...
(PS This is for one of my best friend who is incredibly afraid of dogs yet has been forced to deal with all our pets on numerous occasions.)

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