Friday 20 May 2011

Love means slowing losing your mind...

A good friend of mine, Linda, wrote quite an interesting blog the other day about what love is. Just like the Foreigner song “I wanna know what love is!” I’m pretty sure I know what love for my family and friends and my fat Labby feels like, but what about romantic love? Does it really feel like what I thought it did? Was feeling love for these guys?
I agree with Linda that love and relationships are complicated and often outside interferences or distance can ruin something wonderful between two people. In high school so much importance was put on finding boyfriend, but in ‘varsity it’s so different.
They told us here during Orientation week that ‘varsity isn’t a matching making program and that we are here to get our degrees; not husbands. Yet, you seem to hear that a lot… “Oh, Darling, university is where you will meet the man you will marry!” Seriously, how can can say that! There are barely any boyfriend-worthy ones around; not exactly husband material.
 I just turned 19 and I don’t know what I want. I’m still young- I can still date casually and have fun, but at what point should one begin to worry about being a bit more serious? Even talking about marriage at this age is killing me! I mean how can a person at the age of 19 or 20 know that they’ve picked the person they want to spend their WHOLE life with?
Saying “I love you” is serious and people shouldn’t take it lightly, but then again when you know you love someone you should tell them as much and as often as you can.
Anyway, the weird thing is that the expression “love hurts” is not just a clique. I’m sure that no matter how old you are it seems like you will alway remember the first person who broke your heart. I know I do…It hurts so much when love doesn’t turn out the way you it to, because you gave them everything you had. So many tears shed for stupid reasons (or stupid guys, who couldn’t make up their minds.)
Life won’t have a fairy-tale ending, it hurts a lot and love isn’t like what it is in the movies. If it were we would all be bumping into the guy of our dreams all the time.  It’s not all bad- I’m sure we won’t end up crazy cat ladies, but we mustn’t expect some miraculous moment in which everything lines up perfectly and you end up with the prefect person.
James Marsden’s character in 27 Dresses once said   “Love is patient; love is kind; love means slowly losing your mind.” And that might just be true. I'm a hopless romantic and my heart aches when I think about how most romantic things are just fantasy ideals...
Despite the fact that love hurts there comes a point where you have to get out from under the covers, switch off the Taylor Swift ballad and suck it up and live your life without just focussing on trying to catch the “perfect catch”. A bit of fishing knowledge for you…The prefect catch can often be scarred by all the hooks it has to fight off. 
"Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore."
Lady Gaga
Basically in all my ramblings I’m trying to say that we won’t know ever truly know what love is. I’m just as confused as the rest.  Does true love exist? If it exists is it worth it? Are there “only exceptions”? Maybe I won’t truly ever know… and maybe I’ll meet some who proves me wrong…
Right now I might as well live with my heart on my sleeve even it hurts, because you never know what could happen…
(Here’s to being daring and speaking to that cute guy I see on campus and see how it goes…)

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