Sunday 22 May 2011

The End of the World

If you are reading this then you survived the end of the world! Congratulations! But seriously this kind of stuff always frustrates me, because I am a religious person, but I’m also a realist and I know that in the Bible it states that we are not supposed to know when the world is going to end or when judgement day is, because we should be preparing for it during the span of our whole life. In the slightly paraphrased words of Gareth Cliff “We know a crapure we see one.”
I hat e that non-believers are using this as an excuse to bash Christians. I mean my belief in God is not hurting anyone so why do people always have to break me down or mock me about it. Many Christians say that you have try to convert non-believers, but in my experience this isn’t the easiest thing to do so my policy is “Let me believe what I believe and I’ll let you believe what you believe.”
There are many level-headed believers who don’t have the Bible in one hand and a pitch fork in the other.  Seriously, I never really thought the world was going to end, but I my hope is that when I die I go to heaven. What and where heaven is or whether heaven actually exists might be questionable, but for me I’d rather believe in something than believe in nothing… People should just leave me to my own beliefs!
But yeah, I really don’t want to talk too much about religion, because it always starts up bad debates. I love and believe in the Lord, but know that others don’t and I don’t know where my place is in all of it. That’s all I’m going to say. So to the five people who honestly believed that it was supposed to be Judgement Day yesterday…um…sorry I guess. Better luck next time. Meanwhile as some “believers” are baffled about why the world didn’t end their big leader Harold Camping has been hiding out and hasn’t been seen since Friday night.
This morning I woke up and I wasn’t sure whether the rapture had come or not, because a weekend morning at Rhodes looks practically post-apocalyptic almost every weekend so you can’t really be sure.
(PS- Even though I knew that this all so stupid there was a very dodgy circle around the moon which was kinda freaky. Oh! And people on all social media forums keep spelling rapture wrong. It’s not Raptor! If the Raptor was coming then we would have another problem on our hands…

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